Image Resize To 20 KB

Currently supports jpg/jpeg/png/gif/webp file formats.

The resized image size will not exceed the set value.

How to resize your image to 20/50/100KB

Step Description
1 Click the "Choose Your Image" button and select the image you want to resize in the pop-up box. Currently, jpg/jpeg/png/gif/webp formats are supported.
2 Confirm the size to be resized. The default resize is 20KB. You can select the size you want in the drop-down box.
3 Click the "Submit" button. After a while, you will see the resized image displayed below the Submit button.
4 Click the "Save Result Image" button to save the result to your computer.

Our Advantage

Features Our Website Other Websites Suggestions
Do I need to upload an image to resize it? No need to upload, the image can be processed directly on the local computer. It must be uploaded before resizing, which consumes additional network traffic and may involve additional costs. The bigger the image, the greater the advantage of using our website
Do I need to pay to resize images?

Resize fee: 0

Network fee for uploading and downloading images: 0

Resize fee: 0

Network fee for uploading and downloading images: You may need to pay, the fee depends on the size of the image

Image privacy protection The highest level of protection, the image content will not be leaked anywhere (because the image is processed on the local computer). Normal level protection, the image will be automatically deleted after uploading, and the user can also delete it manually. In extreme cases, it will be attacked and cause privacy leakage. If you are very concerned about the privacy of the image content, please consider using the highest level of protection.
Image size limit No limit

No limit

But large images may need to be retried when uploading


Frequently Asked Questions

Currently supported file formats are jpg/jpeg/png/gif/webp. Files in other formats cannot be selected. If you need support for more formats, please contact us and we will add support in subsequent versions.

Currently only supports processing 1 picture. We will consider adding batch picture processing function in subsequent versions.

A: Yes, resize is free, please feel free to use it.

A: You can try to refresh the current webpage and try again. If the problem persists, please contact us

Resize Knowledge

We have made a separate page for knowledge, please click here to visit it.

What people are saying

"This website is convenient, and the pictures produced are quite small."


"I used to have trouble changing the photo size for online applications, but this tool made it easy. With just 2 clicks, I was able to get my photo just right and successfully submit my application."


"I have several pictures, it would be better if it can support batch processing."



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Core algorithm version: v2.

Click this link to view the release notes.